Friday, July 22, 2016

Top 7 Things That Can Decrease the Value of Your Pleasanton Home

Top 7 Things That Can Decrease the Value of Your Pleasanton Home

If you want to sell your home fast to buyers looking for Pleasanton CA homes, you have to be clear about one question --- “what's my home worth in Pleasanton CA?” 

Watch out for these 7 factors that affect the resale value of your Pleasanton CA home.

A lot of factors such as the location, square footage, and number of rooms, can affect your property’s value. There are also certain things, both controllable and uncontrollable, that could significantly reduce your home’s worth. Steer clear of these pitfalls when selling your home.

Landscaping without considering the future

Landscaping your yard can help make your property look more attractive. However, you have to think about the future before you make any change. For instance, if you plant a tree too close to the house or driveway, it can result to major problems later. Roots can cause breaks in the pavement, which can be quite costly to repair. Before you plant anything in your yard, consider how it will look years later.

Meddling with the fireplace

Think carefully before you start fussing with the fireplace, especially if you are planning on painting over exposed brick. If the look is not trendy when the time comes for you to sell, it could decrease the value of your home. Some people tend to like the visual aesthetic of exposed brick. 

Holding onto old kitchen appliances

Buyers looking for homes for sale in Pleasanton do not want to move in and have to buy all new appliances. Make sure to pay attention to the brand and quality of your major kitchen appliances. 

If something is classic and well-maintained, you may still keep it. However, if a piece has had a long life, you might consider replacing it rather than risk reducing your home’s value.

Being over trendy

Mixing in the latest trends can make your home look more appealing. However, not all buyers are attracted to the latest trends. In fact, most of them prefer kitchens or bathrooms in classic, neutral colors. If you want to add color and personality to your home, you may use bright accessories to bring in fun details. They are much easier to change later.

Be sure to take care of these 7 aspects of your Pleasanton CA home that can decrease its value.

Neglecting your wood floors

Most buyers today prefer wood floors. They are more likely to pass up homes with wall-to-wall carpet. Make sure you know how to properly maintain your wood floors. Do not clean them with water and vinegar as these tend to dull them over time. You can also have your floors buffed every year instead of having them refinished. 

Poor school district

School quality continues to be one of the top priorities for homebuyers. People looking for Pleasanton CA homes for sale can feel confident about all the schools in the district. However if you are selling in another location, be thoughtful of the school scores nearest to your home. It could affect the value of your home.

Proximity to airport, interstate, or train

There is no doubt that buyers like a convenient location. They usually dismiss the homes that compromise their solitude and the air quality. Homes that are too close to freeways, airports, and commuter trains suffer from wary buyers who do not want anything to do with the exhaust fumes and the constant hum of traffic.

Check out today to see the latest luxury homes and estates for sale in Pleasanton CA. 

If you are looking for a Pleasanton luxury REALTOR® who can help you sell or buy your dream luxury home, call me, Rhonda Fee, at 925-200-0827. You can also text 925-660-7110 with any of these codes: seller411, buyer411 or homesearch. With my extensive experience and knowledge of the Pleasanton luxury real estate market, combined with a track record of satisfied clients, your next transaction will be the best move you’ve ever made!

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