Friday, March 4, 2016

6 Tips to Sell Your Del Prado Pleasanton Home this Spring

6 Tips to Sell Your Del Prado Pleasanton Home this Spring 

Spring is the time when homebuyers start to look for homes after the long winter holidays, so it is also the perfect time to sell your Del Prado Pleasanton home.

Know the top 6 ways to prepare your Del Prado Pleasanton home for the market in spring!

However, expect competition from other sellers in the market during springtime as well. It’s important to make your home stand out from the rest to attract more potential buyers and sell your home fast.

Here are 6 tips to help you sell your home in spring:

1. Freshen your yard.

One of the first things buyers will notice about your home is your yard. Having been through a few years of dry winters, many of us have unsightly lawns. 

Make a good first impression by cleaning and clearing it from debris, leaves, and clutter. You can improve the aesthetic appeal of your yard by placing flowers or plants or landscaping.

2. Stage your patio/ porch

Aside from the yard, the patio or porch is also one of the areas that buyers will see first before entering your home. Spring is the perfect time to enjoy the California sun in an outdoor patio, so make sure to stage not only the inside of your home, but the patio/ porch as well to make it more appealing to buyers.

3. Time for spring cleaning!

Usually homeowners do some spring cleaning during this season. If you are selling your Del Prado Pleasanton home for sale, that’s one more good reason to do some spring cleaning - to attract potential buyers! Make sure to declutter and put away personal items so potential buyers can easily imagine themselves living in the home. Why not do a spring garage sale as well and sell all the items that you don’t use anymore?

Don't stress over selling your Del Prado Pleasanton home this spring - just do these 6 easy steps!

4. Clean your walkway.

Power washing can do the trick for a beautiful walkway. While you’re at it, power wash the sides of your home too. It’s a simple task but it can really make a big difference in making your home look cleaner and attracting potential buyers. No need to spend much on a power washer. You can rent one for a small fee if you don’t have one of your own.

5. Fill the home with natural light. 

Buyers prefer homes with lots of natural lighting so open up your windows and curtains and let the warm California sunshine stream in. Opening up the windows also lets in fresh air and allows potential buyers to see the natural beauty surrounding your home. And be sure to clean those windows first!

6. Hire a home inspector.

Damages and structural defects in your home could turn off a buyer and prevent you from closing the deal. It would be worth it to get a professional home inspection done just so you know if there are any defects and items that need repair that may have gone unnoticed. This could save you problems in the future. If a buyer sees that the home needs repair, the buyer can either negotiate for a lower price or walk away from your home thinking they would need to spend more for repairs.

These 6 great tips will help you sell your home for sale in Del Prado Pleasanton fast and don’t even cost that much.

For more tips in selling homes, visit

If you are looking for a Pleasanton luxury REALTOR® who can help you sell or buy your dream luxury home, call me, Rhonda Fee, at 925-200-0827. You can also text 925-660-7110 with any of these codes: seller411, buyer411 or homesearch. With my extensive experience and knowledge of the Pleasanton luxury real estate market, combined with a track record of satisfied clients, your next transaction will be the best move you’ve ever made!

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